*Please see the district health services page for downloadable forms, including medication permission.  


If your child will be taking a medication at school, please see the school nurse or download the medication permission forms under the "For Parents" tab above.  No medications will be administered without signed parental and physician consent.  Medications must be brought to the school by a parent/guardian or responsible adult.  Students may not transport medications to or from school. 
 04/30/2018 At the end of the school year, medication must be picked up by a parent or guardian. Orders and forms do not roll over into the next school year. They must be updated and re-submitted for each school year. Medication left in the nurse office after the last school day will be discarded.
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Welcome to the EBJSHS nurse's corner! 
Here you will find information about the health happenings at the Jr.Sr. High School.
If a medication must be given during the school day, please follow these important procedures:
A written doctor's order and parent permission are required for ALL medication.  This includes all types of prescription treatments, over the counter medicines and herbal remedies. Medication Permission Forms can be downloaded from the website or obtained from the nurse.
A responsible adult must bring medications to school and they must be in their original container. Once medications are delivered to school, they are safely stored in the nurse office and administered by the nurse as prescribed. All medication administration should be handled through the nurse's office. 
If your child will keep an emergency medication at school, please collaborate with your doctor to complete an Emergency Action Plan. There is a specific Asthma Action Plan,Food Allergy and Non-Food Allergy Emergency Care Plans for students with those health conditions. These forms are available on-line, or from the nurse. 
Emergency life-saving medications and action plans will be sent on field trips and safely stored by the teacher. When your child has a field trip, please contact the nurse with any questions or concerns.